
Tcell: the first at 3 thousand meters above sea level!

Tcell: the first at 3 thousand meters above sea level!

In the mountains of the Bartang valley, located at an altitude of about 3 thousand meters in the Pamir Mountains, in the most remote village of Bardara, in Basid jamoat of Rushan district, GBAO, a mobile connection appeared. The telecommunication company Tcell became the first company to establish a base station in this high mountain village.

The village of Bardara is located in the remote region of the Western Pamirs in the Bartang valley. Here, incredibly beautiful landscapes, majestic and bright nature, unique mountains are located at an altitude of about 3 thousand meters above sea level. The valley is located far from the transport infrastructure, and its high mountain location makes access to it even more difficult.

The village of Bardara, located on one of the highest points of the valley, is very ancient; there are ruins of a fortress that served as a refuge here, since nomads have repeatedly attacked the village in the past.

Now, about 530 people live in the village of Bardara, which are mainly engaged in agriculture and animal breeding. Many villagers are in labor migration. Prior to the installation of the first Tcell base station, it was difficult for the residents to get in touch with family and friends from home; they had to go to neighboring villages.

The installed Tcell base station operates through a satellite connection, as this is the only way to provide communication in such a high mountain zone. Despite the fact that the maintenance of this base station is expensive, the geographical location is difficult and it will work only for a small area, in such cases Tcell puts social tasks in priority.

Corresponding to its corporate strategy, Tcell strives to provide reliable communication for the residents of even the most sparsely populated and hard-to-reach settlements, such as Bardara village. After the installation of base stations, residents of such settlements will not be limited in connection with the world. Now, Tcell already has eight base stations in the Bartang Valley and continues to upgrade the network.



Tcell is the largest telecommunications company in Tajikistan, the only shareholder of which is the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED). AKFED is an international development agency dedicated to the promotion of entrepreneurship and the creation of economically sustainable enterprises. AKFED is one of the agencies of the AKDN system - a network of private development agencies that are aimed at improving the opportunities and living conditions of the peoples of the developing world. AKDN agencies work for the public good of all citizens, regardless of their nation, gender or religion. AKDN aims to contribute to the development of economically active, politically sustainable, intellectually diverse and culturally tolerant Tajikistan.



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