4G Routers

The leading innovative operator of the country, Tcell, presents 4G and Mi-Fi routers in customer service centers around the country!

4G Router 760 TJS No traffic
4G Router 900 TJS 30 GB for 1 month
4G Router 1200 TJS 60 GB for 1 month
Mi-Fi Router 650 TJS 10 GB for 1 month
  • The cost of a 4G router varies depending on the amount of traffic included. Thus, purchasing a 4G router for 900 TJS, the subscriber will be connected to the “Unlimited L” tariff with 30 GB of traffic for a period of 1 month.
  • 4G routers, available at Tcell service centers, have a built-in battery that runs without power from 2 to 3 hours.
  • Also, users are invited to purchase Mi-Fi routers (pocket) with a connected "Unlimited M" tariff with 10 GB of Internet traffic. The Mi-Fi Router has a built-in power bank, which allows subscribers to charge their phones and use the Internet at the same time.
  • Based on the needs for using the Internet, a subscriber can choose a package that suits him or her - both in size and cost. Read more about "4G Unlimited" tariffs here: https://www.tcell.tj/en/tariffs/unlimited-4g.php