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Calls Back from Russia while roaming are even cheaper now!


We are glad to announce that calls using «Call home!» Service in roaming from Russia to Tajikistan to subscribers of Tcell Company is even cheaper and is only 0.80 TJS per minute.

While in roaming in Russian Federation, you can call to Tajikistan from your mobile phone to the numbers of Tcell subscribers using special dialing instructions:

star.gif1.gif3.gif5.gifstar.gif9.gif9.gif2.gif [Tcell subscriber’s number] hash.gifUntitled-2-111111`.gif

The connection with your calling party will be established after some waiting period. Calls will be rounded up per minute

Billing of roaming service:

Incoming call
SMS Outgoing call at
regular dialing
Outgoing call through
«Call Back» Service
MTS Russia
1,12 TJS
0,56 TJS 3,92 TJS
0,80 TJS
Service is accessible only in networks of MTS Russia – in Russia and provided to all subscribers of Tcell on tariff plans of: Ajoib 2016, Avvalin* 2016, Salom 2016.

Prices are in TJS including VAT and excise tax.


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