SADO app

App "Sado" has collected all kinds of audio content in one place. Here you can listen to the best international and local radio stations, fascinating and useful audio books will not let you get bored, interesting podcasts will help you spend your free time, and a selection of music for any mood guarantees high-format entertainment.

And that is not all! Most importantly, you can listen to all content without spending Internet traffic.

You can activate App "Sado" service at any time in one of the following ways:

  • Send an SMS with the text "START" to the short number 6116;
  • Dial USSD command *6116#
  • Log in to the Sado application itself. The application can be downloaded from the following link:
To disable the service, you can choose any of the options:

  • Send SMS with the word "STOP" to the short number 6116;
  • Dial USSD command *6116*0#
  • Important to know!
    The subscription fee is 1.1 TJS/day.
    The Sado Application service is not available for the following tariff plans and options:

    1. Limit for Darkor 256kb/s.
    2. Belimit 4G.
    3. Internet.
    4. Chigap 30.
    5. Real ip.