Changes in the tariff plans "Salom+"

We are pleased to inform you about updates to the tariff plans "Salom+ 130", "Salom+ 180" and "Salom+300"!
Now for the same subscription fee you get even more Internet traffic. And in the tariff plan "Salom+ 300" - a new, more favorable subscription fee - 240 somoni, without changing the volume of traffic! Сhanges will be as follows:
Tariff plan "Salom+ 130":
• The basic Internet traffic package increases from 15 Gb to 20 Gb;
• The additional Internet traffic package increases from 40 Gb to 50 Gb.
Tariff plan "Salom+ 180":
• The basic Internet traffic package increases from 25 Gb to 30 Gb;
• The additional Internet traffic package increases from 60 Gb to 75 Gb.
Tariff plan "Salom+ 300":
• The subscription fee will be changed from 300 somoni to 240 somoni. Traffic remains unchanged;
• The tariff name will be changed to "Salom+ 240";
• All current discounts on the "Salom 300" TP will be valid until the expiration of the original cost of the tariff plan, after which the subscription fee will be changed to 240 somoni.
The changes will come into effect on April 10 of this year when the next subscription fee is charged.
All other tariff conditions remain the same. Detailed information about tariff plans can be found at the link:
Thank you for staying with us! We always strive to improve the conditions for you!