Symphony allows you to replace regular tone with your favorite tones and funny phrases. Thus, your callers will get a surprise and some good vibes. Moreover, this service includes many different and interesting functions.
If additional questions, you can refer to the short number 220 (Symphony Call Center). Cost of a call to the short number 220: the first minute are free, from 2nd minute, the cost of each minute of 10 dirams.
You can also call to IVR number 222 and order music of different genres and categories. The first 10 minutes of calls to the number 222 are free, after the cost of each minute of 6 dirams.
How to activate?
Service activation:
USSD: *222*1# ,
SMS – to short number 222 containing «On»
IVR – to number 222
Service is accessible for all PrePaid and PostPaid tariffs.
To activate this service, subscriber should have only 0,21 TJS on his/her balance.
Rates and validity period of service:
- Daily subscription fee – 0,25 TJS (including VAT and excise tax).
- Service can be deactivated only by the subscriber.
- Charge for a tone is made only once (rate for the tone depends on its category). Validity period of the tone is not limited.
- Rate of the tone depends on its category: 3,00 TJS, 4,50 TJS, 6,00 TJS (including VAT and excise tax).
Advantages for subscribers:
- Minimum balance to activate the service is only 0,26 TJS.
- Subscriber pays for a tone only once. Tones will remain in the subscriber’s profile, except if the subscriber is blocked or deactivated for more than 30 days.
Instructions on use of Symphony:
Subscriber can activate «Symphony» Service (only for subscribers of 92, 93, 77 and 50 networks) using:
1. USSD-command: *222*1#
2. SMS: send «On» to number 222.
3. IVR-menu: i.e. call to 222 and follow voice instructions.
4. Activation is free of charge. Subscription fee is 0,25 TJS per day.
How to order a tone?
It is possible to order a tone using:
- USSD-command: *222* (code of tone)#
- SMS-command: send a test message containing the code of tone to number 222.
- Number, by dialing 2202+Code of tone and call button. Upon playing the tone, press 1 and the tone will be loaded to the subscriber’s profile.
- IVR-menu: it is required to call to 222 and follow voice instructions. First 10 minutes of call to short number are free. Then, the charge per one minute of call will be 6 dirams.
- Web-site: http://simfoniya.tcell.tj

Automatic number identification

Temporary payment

Intikhobi man